Karin Bruckner, Accolades (2021), Hand printed paper, acrylic paint, painted newspaper and wire on Maya Read's pointe shoes, 24 x 18 x 18 inches
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Liane Ricci, Aurora Borealis: A Place of Bliss (2021), Mixed media on Emmi Yokoi's pointe shoes
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Karin Bruckner, FrankLloydWrightRevisited (2013), Mixed media monoprint , 22 x 30 inches;28.5 x 36 inches
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Allison Green, The Dance of Spring (2021), Oil paint on Liepa Mikaliunaite's pointe shoes
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Amber George, The Long Intermission (2021), Mixed media and wax on Isabella Long's pointe shoes
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Rachelle Krieger, The Rite of Spring (2021), Spray paint, flashe and Sharpie on Noelle Burtschi's pointe shoes
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Rachelle Krieger, The Space Between (2020), Acrylic, spray paint, oil bar and oil on linen, 24 x 18 inches
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Karin Bruckner, TumbleWeed 03 (2019), Monotype with mixed media on white BFK Rives printmaking paper, 11 x 10 inches;12.5 x 11.25 inches
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Karin Bruckner, TumbleWeed 04 (2019), Monotype with mixed media on white BFK Rives printmaking paper, 11 x 10 inches;12.5 x 11.25 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Swamp Boogie (2020), Acrylic, spray paint, oil bar and oil on linen, 24 x 18 inches
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Liane Ricci, The Rumbling (2019), Acrylic on Wood Panel, 20 x 16 inches;21 x 17 inches
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Liz Rundorff Smith, Joyful (2021), Wax and artificial flowers on Chiara Soltani's point shoes
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