Rachelle Krieger, Cornucopia (2019), Acrylic, spray paint and flashe on paper, 30 x 22 inches;35 x 27 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Fantastical Botanical (2019), Acrylic, spray paint and flashe on paper, 30 x 22 inches; 35 x 27 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Harvest Moon Rising (2020), Acrylic, flashe, oilbar and oil on linen, 18 x 14 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Intertwined (2020), Acrylic, spray paint, oilbar and oil on linen, 40 x 30 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Regeneration and Renewal (Days of Awe) (2020), Acrylic, spray paint, oilbar and oil on linen, 40 x 30 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Source (2020), Acrylic, spray paint, oilbar and oil on linen, 70 x 60 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Suburban Paradise (1) (2020), Acrylic and oil on linen, 14 x 11 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Suburban Paradise (2) (2020), Acrylic and oil on linen, 14 x 11 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Turn, Turn, Turn (2) (2020), Acrylic and oil on linen, 18 x 14 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, What is Essential? (2019), Acrylic, spray paint and flashe on paper, 30 x 22 inches; 35 x 27 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Clearing (2020), Acrylic, spray paint and oil on linen, 80 x 70 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, In the Brambles (2019), Acrylic, spray paint and flashe on paper, 30 x 22 inches; 35 x 27 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Night Blooms (2020), Acrylic, flashe, oilbar and oil on linen, 18 x 14 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Nocturnal Weeds (2020), Acrylic, flashe, oilbar and oil on linen, 18 x 14 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Nourishing Resilience (A Walk in the Woods) (2020), Acrylic, spray paint, oilbar and oil on linen, 54 x 50 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Pandemic Poetry (2020), Acrylic, spray paint, oilbar and oil on linen, 40 x 30 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Toxic Swamp with Wildflowers (2020), Acrylic, spray paint, oil bar and oil on linen, 24 x 18 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Transformations (2020), Acrylic and flashe on linen, 40 x 40 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Turn, Turn, Turn (1) (2020), Acrylic and oil on linen, 18 x 14 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Turn, Turn, Turn (3) (2020), Acrylic and oil on linen, 18 x 14 inches
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Rachelle Krieger, Walking the Path in Wonder (2019), Acrylic, spray paint and flashe on linen, 80 x 70 inches